Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jackfruit Fritters/Chakkappazham Porichathu ? Does any Keralite know the Naadan name, please?

The creative department of my brain is completely frozen and is closed temporarily! That means, you get to reach the recipe directly :)

This is a recipe that is long forgotten from my grandmother’s kitchen and quickly fading from my mother's memory. I don’t remember my mother making this during my childhood but it seems, she used to enjoy this a lot from my grandmother’s kitchen. I wanted an easy recipe to use up those two cans of jackfruit, waiting patiently to get their share of limelight for the last 6 months and that’s when my mother suddenly thought about this snack that her mother used to prepare quite often during jackfruit season. By the time she finished narrating the how-to part, I knew I would love it and I did! So, I thought I will share another gem from my grand mother’s kitchen before it goes completely forgotten!!

Again, We want your help to find out the local/traditional/regional/naadan name of this snack and based on my past experience, I know for sure that someone out there can help me with this. So, please drop a line here if you have the answer to my question, it means a lot to me!

Ingredients: (Serves 2-3)
  • 12 pods of ripe jackfruit ( I used 2 cans of CHAOKOH-Jackfruit in syrup & drained it)
  • ¾ cup rice flour
  • ¼ cup Maida/All-purpose flour
  • ¼ tsp turmeric powder
  • 2 pods of cardamom, crushed
  • 3-4 tbsp sugar (adjust as per the sweetness of the fruit)
  • Around 1 ¼ cup water
  • Oil for deep frying
  • Chop jackfruit into small pieces and cook with a handful water, either on stove top or in a microwave, until the fruit pieces are tender and loses its firmness; remove from the heat. With the back of a wooden spoon, roughly mash the fruit pieces, so it stays together when batter is added.
  • Meanwhile, prepare a semi-thick batter by mixing rice flour, all purpose flour, turmeric powder sugar and water. Flavour the batter with two crushed cardamoms and mix well to make a smooth batter without any lumps.
  • Pour the batter , in small quantities to the cooked jackfruit and mix well. Make sure that there is enough batter to cover the cooked fruit and not much to let fruits float in batter. When cooked fruit is mixed with the batter, you should be able to take a scoop with a spoon.
  • Heat oil in a deep vessel, in medium heat. Take a small scoop of the fruit+batter and carefully drop them into hot oil and fry till they reach golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel. If the oil is too hot, the fritters will turn dark brown easily, so please adjust the heat accordingly.
  • Serve warm with a cup of tea or coffee
Note: You can make ripe plantain fritters the same way but there is no need to cook ripe plantains. Just mash them and mix with the batter, take a spoonful and drop them into hot oil. This is a nice variation from our regular plantain fritters.

Related Posts:

Pazham Pori Ela Ada Plantain Pudding Ariyunda



  1. looks awesome! I was just wondering today what to make with my canned jackfruits that my hubby bought last week.. Perfect timing and would love to try these fritters.. :) Thanks shn!

  2. This dish looks so yummy...but can't say I've ever had it....

  3. hi dear ...
    chakapazham undakkyathu okke kazhichu kazhinjilleda? vayarinu prb onnum llalloo allee..ende kothy kittiyittnd ;) atha chodiche ...ha ha ...
    As usual the pic looks great ..

    pazham porichathine pazhampori appol chakka porichathine enthu parayanam ..Chakka pori............... alle da...

  4. iam hearing and seeing it for the first time..its almost similar to pazham pori so cant we call it chakka pori?? opps that sounds weird..

  5. chakka baje

    chakke norachath


  6. This is something new to me. So no suggestions for the naadan peru.. but the recipe sounds interesting. You are making me drool and wait for the chakka season to arrive.

  7. I just LOVE LOVE the aroma of ripe JF. Arvind and I open a can and share, finish it in a jiffy, takes us both right back home! You know, my kids HATE the "stink" of ripe JF! Cultural differences!! :D

    Fritters look yum.

  8. sorry you know that I can't help, but for sure its middle name is "delicious"!

  9. Love your new crockery, we know where your creativity went, to procure and picturize this :)

  10. never have had it this way..we always had it straight away from the cholla..:-D this must be nice too...I can very well imagine this as a nice cousin of vazhakkappam!!

  11. btw..this is one of the best snaps I have noticed artistically poised..

  12. My mouth is already ripe JF..Lovely fritters..Never tried it before..

  13. Interesting recipe! Have to give it a try sometime. Taking off at a tangent, I must say I absolutely loved the blue and while dish you've used for the fritters. And the jug in the background, is simply superb :)

  14. never heard of this one before!i never bought a canned jackfruit..didn't think it was good enough...this seems like a good snack...thanks

  15. Have never heard/had this. But ripe jackfruit always did a vanishing act whenever kept in front of us.. So guess gandma/mom didn't get a chance to try it :P And hats off to you for keeping ripe jackfruit for a week. You should be thankful that I'm not in the vicinity :D

  16. amma has made this a couple of times..but this was not very popular at home..the fact is we used to eat the chakkapazham as it is and there was never anything left :D i guess we call it chakkapazham not sure..let me see if i can find that out for you..

  17. haloooo ithendhaaaa idea abt this dish dear....endayalum kothivannnitu mela........

  18. Hi,

    I've been visiting your blog off late and i must tell you its really good job you are doing here. Its really appreciative :-)As u were saying, the blogging also enhances the recipes and that is soemthing very diffrnt in Yours and Shaheen's ( mallu girl, she is a close friend) The whole experience of reading te blog and that eventually going to the recipes is worth mentioning :-) And i msut say you are a very good photographer too. WHich part of Kerala are you from?
    Will keep in touch and u have a good time!!:-)
    Siji Rehana

  19. Mish,looks awesome..I never had this before..and one of the legendary clicks here.!!

  20. looks very yummy... i liked u'r blue and white serving latter...beautiful...oru victorian look:-)

    Do you know the recipe for kaliodakka/ kalivadakka, if so could u please post it?It's usually made during shiva rathri time. They are small balls round in shape and if it's not made properly then it's turn too hard to bite

  21. Hi!
    Great idea. I had also bought the canned jackfruits but with the intent of making chakkaputtu. Have you ever tried it? It's very yummy. Instead of using water to moisten the riceflour, use the syrup from the can and then add chopped jackfruit to riceflour and coconut mix and steam for yummy treat!

  22. Sujatha,I hope you like these fritters....make it for your evening tea, though I don;t mind having it as part of breakfast too :) Let me know your feedback, pls!

    Poornima, thx ! try it with canned ones...:)

    Veena, hahhaha chakka kazhichal vayarinu problem ennu paranju mummy never allowed us to eat more chakka....enikku atha orma vanne when i read ur comment...btw, kothi ettillatto....onnum sambavichilla :)

    Divz, yeah it does :) njanum aadyam angane thanneya vichariche..

    Mujeeb, chakka-appam sounds cool :)

    Jayasree, hope i can be home during that season! :)

    Asha, me too tried a couple pieces from the was not that bad....i had my doubts when i bought it...but i guess I will buy it more often now....hmm..american kids can't stand jf smell....can't blame them :)

    Gattina, yes it is...! there was some competition between me and my hubby while nibbling them :)

    Sandeepa, procurement part happened more than 2 yrs ago and picturization is by CJJ...truly,dep't up north is completely frozen :)

    Mathew, Thanks a lot :) angane chola eduthu kazhicha kaalam marannu....and yes it is a tasty cousin of pazham pori!

    Ashwini, if you like jf then you would love these fritters too...try and let me know :)

    Mini, Thank you ! I like blue and white picked up some pieces long back :)

    Malli, yeah I was also thinking canned ripe jackfruit is not all that good...but I was is sweet enough and tastes like fresh ones...give it a try :)

    Dhanya, not one week, this one was a canned one and has been sitting in my fridge for more than 6 months i guess....was hesitant to use it thinking it won't be sweet....pakshe it was ok though not as tasty as then(honey)-varikka chakka :P

    Superchef, pls pls.....check with ammd and let me know what she calls it....Thanks in advance :)

    Tina, oru can medichu try cheythu nokku...eshtapedum enna thonnunne :)

    Siji, nice of you to drop such a sweet comment...Thank you :) yeah I know shaheen....and i have loved her blog since my first visit , so such comparison does make me feel good :) I 'm from kochi...thanks again!

    Priya, oh yes....good evening snack....:)

    Ann, Thank You :) How ve you been? busy?

    Leks, ayyo...thanks so much :) Sorry I have no clue about that dish...not even heard about it...what's ingredients..? will check with my aunts ...they must be having a different name for it...if you could give me an idea about the ingredients, i will ask my aunt and see if i can get the recipe!

    Binsy, chakkapputtu is yummm, especially with the steamed fruit in between layers....but didnt think of using canned water itself..... Thx a lot for the suggestion...will try next time...


  23. Not going to lie. Chakka smell is a turn off. But i love chakka upperi and canned chakka no no.
    But i am amazed by the recipe as i think i never heard it.

  24. lovely picture! never tried this, we used to make chips though with the half ripe fruit, looks like a delight for the pazham pori lover. defnitely trying it this summer :) :)

  25. Wow!..A great variation to the reg Pazham Pori...
    Totally a novel substitute..!!
    and abt the names..

    Pazham pori-Chakka pori(hmm no!)
    Ethakkappam-Chakka appam(hmm name reserved for the other chakka recipe)
    ...Chakkappazham Porichathu should be apt one!!..


  26. Jackfruit fritters sound great! Never had them before though. My mom would make dosas with ripe jackfruit. Loved the crockery!

  27. Hi Shn,

    Thanks for the quick reply. I believe it's made of rice flour and deep fried in oil.. look like tiny goosberry balls.
    it's not a popular dish..i meant i don't usually find it in bakeries in kerala....thanks for the effort.


  28. I love your new elegant look!

  29. Whats in a name? This certainly takes me to days when we kids sat around the grand aunt applying oil on our palms beofre plucking the chakka from the cholla and eeping the seeds away! Ah, those were the days!

  30. hi mishmash...looks sooo yummy..i never heard abt this before...

  31. When I was a kid, my mother would make some palaharam like this...and it would be so delicious and when I ask "Ithenduva", for the lack of a proper name she would call it "JINGLE DOMBY"!!!!! Ur dish looks really delicious!!!

  32. Looks yummy. My mom used to make a variation of this as an after school snack during those good 'ol days. She used very ripe "palamkudan pazham". It used to be yummy.....brought back memories.

  33. Never heard of this dish.....its looks yummy..i like your chinaware collection..


  34. this is so funny.. i have a similar photo and draft ready of the banana fritters!!

  35. Wooow shn...the pic looks so gud and the recipe usual...My mom used to make this every chakka season in kerala. We call it 'chakka porichathu' And its very common at our place.Im so surprised most of them never had it and tried it!!!Believe me,Its a must try dish. Dono abt the canned JF though. Never clicked me that I can make these fritters out of canned ones.yummmm....

  36. When, oh when, am I'm going to taste jackfruit?

  37. i am floored by this pic. Too good. I bet this jackfruit fritter is yum !

  38. I never knew chakka was made this way, so haven't a clue about the name.
    Who knows I might have eaten it then. I am one of those rare ones from Kerala who doesn't like chakka except as varatti and varaval. :D

  39. Hats off to ur passion for cooking!With the jackfruit season round the corner, I'm looking forward to making this yummy dish.I'm familiar with the one made of plantain and it's called vaazha pazha paniyaram or vadai.Instead of deep-frying it,it is also cooked in the paniyaara-chatti.

  40. i have to make this is my appachatti. i love jackfruit in any shape or form.

  41. According to Ummi Abdulla's new book "Malabar Pachakkari vibhavangal" it is called chakka unniyappam and she makes it in unniyappachatti and the only difference is of jaggery instead of sugar and she suggests adding coconut too. Or may be its all together a different dish!

  42. Did Bee mean unniyappachatti? Yeah, sounds like a good candidate for the unniyappachatti.. I have the chatti, but no chakka!! :D
    Then you can call it "Chakka Unniyappam".


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