Sunday, June 22, 2008

Apricot Jam

In the company of ruby red apples and sapphire green pears, amber gold apricots adorned the fruit stand with a jewel studded look……With a light blush and a velvety skin, they reminded me of my soft flannel blanket……I caressed 'em....they sat there like a bunch of naughty adorable cuties……Dancing on my head were the delightful taste of the apricot jam I bought from the Amish country store a couple years back……..I caressed ‘em again and this time they gave me a bewitching smile …Off they jumped into my shopping cart……Sitting there in a cluster, doing a shake dance , their crimson cheeks blushed more…. I proceeded to the check –out……we came home …they were still happy enjoying each others company…….but soon they were crying out loud for help……….Without a prick of conscience I ripped their chests apart.....crushed their heart kernels…..and off they went into a hot pan……..20 minutes down ……I got a pretty golden sweet delight sitting on my counter top……that pretty jar smiled at me with its new found joy, holding the new beauty queen……..….but deep down in my heart, I missed those golden cuties with their plump crimson cheeks, their velvety skin and the bewitching smile that captivated me !!!

As a guide, I followed this well written article on Apricot preserves, capturing summer in a jar, and followed Martha Stewart’s recipe with some subtle changes in the measurement. I had only about 2 lb apricots for which I added 2 cups of granulated sugar, ¼ cup water and 2tbsp lemon juice and 4-5 apricot-almonds. Since I didn’t want a chunky preserve, I crushed the chopped fruit chunks, with the back of the wooden spatula, while stirring. Also I stirred for another 5 minutes after adding lemon juice, apart from the first 15 minutes. Before ladling in to the jar, apricot-almonds were picked out using a fork. I was lucky to get the right consistency of jam as well as the right sweetness for my personal taste. Those who prefer sugar loaded jams, do add more but those who like to enjoy the mild tartness of apricots, it is advisable to reduce the sugar amount mentioned in Martha’s recipe.

It is amazing how sometimes we pray for people whom we have never known till date … happens to me very often and it happened very recently too. Her picture moved me……calmness on her face and hopes in her eyes…….after reading that post, I hoped she continue to smile and stay in good health for many more years……My prayers are with you, Bri!

Well, I have always felt that there are many bloggers out there who create absolutely brilliant literary stuff and click awesome pictures, out of passion and interest. Some of them are really better than those who are paid to do such works and material is worth publishing too. But some people with or without knowing the blog etiquettes, lift these works and publish on their sites and make money out of it too. This could be individuals or biggies in the business who are well aware of the copyright issues. Some in the former category is courteous enough to take off the plagiarized content when they are approached but some are not!!! They start with stealing and go to the extent of threatening, e-harassing using filthy language, cyber stalking and even creating a profile for the blogger in their adult site!!!! Sounds strange? Sounds all filmy? But this is what one of us went through for raising her voice and requesting to remove a plagiarized content. You can read all about it HERE. Hope she wins the battle!

You all have a great week ahead. Btw, do try making jam at home once because it is simple and tasty…..and remember, there is no preservatives…it is all natural :)



  1. Yum looking jam Shn... And you have a Mishmash! label? So cute... :) BTW last week we bought something called Aprium from the farmer's market.. a hybrid of apricot and plum... It was really tasty...

  2. wow Shn..Loved the description about you shopping spree with the blushing apricots...

    decadent jar of jam..

    interesting post!

  3. Wow! Nice one....
    This would easily find a place in every day's breakfast...
    Happy blogging!

  4. Nice looking jam :) I prefer the natural swetness of the fruit than a sugary taste of the jams. A short post....seems you are busy!

  5. Shn...jam looks sinfully delicious!.you know I have always been wanting to make jams..I used to make them a decade those things sound so fancy..though you get down making it, its not so difficulty..and yours sounds so easy too...guess what for my mw event, I will anyway have make something..will refer to this..thanks!...:)..

    btw thanks for that note on feed subscribe..thought I had it on the site..I have it going let me know if it works..

  6. mishmash, thanks for the recipe,I loved it.Since it is in season,I want to try the jam.My friend had passed a bottle of jam,It was delectable.

  7. Shn, the jam looks wonderful. I made some last year :-)
    And yes,down with plagiarists!!

  8. That marmalade looks so Delicious.
    Till now i have not ventured into marmalade making. It is in my should do list :-)

  9. Such a beauty. I love Apricot jam, always buy it though. Looks so good shn, but not as good as your yummy Stew though! Hahaha!
    All packed and ready to fly?:)

  10. i loved how u made a mundane chore so poetic with ur writing.

  11. Jam looks just like the one we get here at our Amish weekly market. Yours looks absolutely delicious.

    About the apricot almonds, most of the ones I have tried were bitter. But I heard the right one taste like almonds or even better.

  12. Apricots seem to have touched your poetic soul.:)
    Now I know what to do with those not so sweet fruits sitting in my fruit basket. Thanks.

  13. wow! Shn, it sure looks delicious and apricot-y :-) always have loved reading ur posts!!

  14. looks attractive..never had b4 this jam...

  15. delicious jam. looks so beautiful.

  16. I made a apricot preserve for MW event but did not posted it. Apricots are in season now :) looks really delicious...

  17. Hi Shn
    I loved reading your description of the jam starting from the shopping bit till they were filed in the bottle..
    Nice captivating read!!
    The jam sits pretty in the Mishmash jar..Loved that personalised touch of yours!!

  18. Hey..another feather in the cap to your culinary repertoire!!:-)

    Not a big fan of jams as I rather have a toast with butter!

    btw I had checked the other blog which you have linked..thats really sad that even so called reputed sites indulge in it!!

    have a great week ahead!!

  19. yumm! :) tht s a really nice looking jam. no apricots here so cant try this. Mishmash your photos are really amazing. :)

  20. Beautiful, jewel like jam, Shn! The color and consistency is really mesmerizing. I know what you mean about beautiful fruits being bewitching. I was recently posessed with some strawberries at the store. Farmer's market is opening soon and I'm psyched! :)

  21. Ooh, another lovely apricot jam. And that color is splendid, Shn.

  22. It's so difficult to get a first-rate fresh apricot here, that jam is the ideal solution. Looks blissful.

  23. Yummy, you jam color is nice, I love it. By the way, did you put perservative? How did you measure how much perservative need to add?


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